Saturday, October 15, 2016

Commonwealth v. D.M. - (Preliminary Hearing - Possession of Marijuana)

Commonwealth v. D.M. (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge/Violation:     35 § 780-113 §§A31 - Possession of Marijuana - (Misdemeanor)
                                35 § 780-113 §§A32 - Use/Poss of Drug Paraph - (Misdemeanor)
Case Summary:
            Robinson Township Police served an Arrest Warrant on Defendant at Defendant's residence. Upon serving the Warrant, police allegedly observe a small water-bong and 4 small bags of Marijuana sitting in plain-view on a bedroom dresser. Defendant then states that the Marijuana and bong belong to him and signs a consent to search form. Officers search Defendant's bedroom and find no further contraband. Defendant contacted Attorney Paletta for representation.
        At the Preliminary Hearing before District Judge Swearingen, Defendant entered a Plea Bargain to a Summary Disorderly Conduct offense which was moved to a lower court. The original charges that Defendant was charged with - two Misdemeanor - Possession charges, were WITHDRAWN and are now eligible for an Expungement.

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