Friday, March 28, 2014

Commonwealth v. C.P. (Assault, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Mischief)

Commonwealth v. C.P. (Assault, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Mischief)

Client in this case was a younger hard-working individual supporting a family, who had a clean record.  Client was allegedly involved in certain incidents which led him to be charged with the following:
Criminal Mischief - M3
Resisting Arrest - M2
Recklessly Endangering Another Person - M2
Aggravated Assault - F2
Simple Assault - M2


Attorney Paletta & Client worked together to develop a strategy for this case which was followed very closely by Client.  After many discussions with the Assistant District Attorney assigned to this case, Attorney Paletta was able to  have certain charges (those  charges restricting Client from entering into the A.R.D. Program) Withdrawn.  Client was accepted into  the A.R.D. Program.  After all terms and conditions of the program are successfully completed, this case will automatically be Expunged by the Court. and client’s record will remain clean.

Com. v. M.J., R.N.

Com v. M.J., R.N.

Attorney Paletta represented Client, a Nurse employed at Uniontown Hospital, relating to an Investigation of suspected drug diversion.   Client was charged with numerous Felonies for accusations of diverting liquid Hydromorphine (Dilaudid), liquid Morphine, amd Lorazepam (Ativan) from the hospital where she was employed.  
The Investigation began when Uniontown Hospital Police recieved information from the Director of Pharmacy of the Uniontown Hospital, that Client was suspected of diverting narcotics from the hospital after noticing discrepencies with the inventory of the narcotics dispensing machine “Rxstation” between Client’s shifts. These discrepencies were under Client’s usuage account.
Charges as listed in Criminal Complaint include:
  1. 35 780-113(A)(12) -- Prohibited Acts - Felony (8 counts)
  2. 35 780-113(A)(12) -- Prohibited Acts - Felony (7 counts)
  3. 35 780-113(A)(12) -- Prohibited Acts - Felony (1 count)

Charges at 35 780-113(A)(12) were Amended to Simple Possession of a Controlled Substance and the original charges under Subsection 12 were Dismissed.

Commonwealth v. L.V. (Summary Trial)

Commonwealth v. L.V.

Charges:      1 Count – 18§5503§§A4 - Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off – Summary
Facts:         Client, a College Student residing on campus at the University of Pittsburgh,who is a Senior in the Pitt Engineering program was charged by Officers of the Hanover Township Police Department with a Summary Disorderly Conduct while attending a concert at the First Niagara Pavillion (formerly Star Lake).  
The following business day Client contacted our office to inquire about what can be done.  Upon calling, Client spoke with Attorney Paletta’s Paralegal Aimee.  Client expressed his concern about this situation causing problems with his education and future. Aimee scheduled an immediate, same day consultation.  Client’s next steps were to plead Not Guilty to the citation and request a Summary Trial date, which he did do.  Client retained Attorney Paletta for this matter.         
                        Attorney Paletta and Defendant worked together to compose a defense strategy that would work towards achieving an outcome acceptable to Defendant and one that would not cause problems for his education and future if followed through properly successful.         

Disposition          Client worked closely with our office to follow the drawn out defense strategy.  At the Summary Trial, Attorney Paletta was able to gain a full Withdraw of the case and the Summary Disorderly Conduct Client was charged with was Withdrawn. Having this type of disposition allows for Client’s record is to be completely expunged if a Petition for Expungement is filed with the County Clerk of Court’s Office and Granted by a Common Pleas Judge. Client was extremely happy with end result.

Com. v. K.H.

Com v..K.H.

Attorney Paletta represented Client, who was in the process of completing his Medical Residency.  Client was charged with Tampering Physical Evidence - a Misdemeanor 2, Prohibited Acts (Possession of Marijuana) - a Misdemeanor, Disord. Conduct - a Summary, and Public Drunkeness - a Summary offense.
Attorney Paletta and Client worked together to compose a strategy that if properly followed, would assist in achieving an outcome that would not have a negative impact on Client’s career/education.

Client followed the strategy/gameplan and provided proof toAttorney Paletta .  Attorney Paletta used that proof to negotiate a deal with the District Attorney. and managed to get the entire case (ALL CHARGES)  Dismissed...this makes the case eligible for an Expungement, which is very important for Client’s future.

Com. v. J.R. (Careless Driving)


Attorney Paletta represented Client who was charged with Careless Driving.  Before contacting Attorney Paletta, Client plead Guilty to this traffic offense, but was not aware that he would lose his license if he did so.  Client received notification of suspension from PennDot & immediately contacted Attroney Paletta.  A license suspension for Client meant that he would also lose his job.
 Since Client had already plead Guilty, and the 30 day appeal period was up, Attorney Paletta filed a Nunc Pro Tunc Petition with the Court requesting permission to file an untimely appeal of Client’s Guilty Plea.  Attorney Paletta’s Petition was Granted and an Appeal of Client’s Guilty Plea was immediately filed.  A Summary Conviction Appeal, Hearing was schedued before Judge Gallo of the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas.

Attorney Paletta negotiated a plea bargain with the State Trooper to a lesser charge of Violation of Vehicle Equipment Standards and the original Careless Driving charge Dismissed.  This meant no Driver’s License Suspension for Client. & no loss of job!!

Commonwealth v. J.D. (Drug Charges)

Com v.J.D. (Drug Charges)

Client charged with numerous drug crimes.   
Attorney Paletta represented Client at the Preliminary Hearing of this case.

All Misdemeanor Drug Charges WITHDRAWN - & now eligible for Expungement.
Client entered a Guilty plea to a lower offense:  Summary Disorderly Conduct and case was moved to a lower court: Non-Traffic Court.   

Case Closed at Preliminary Hearing level.

In Re: R.M., Petitioner (Petition for Expungement of Juvenile 302/303 Civil Commitment)

In Re:  R.M., Petitioner
(Petition for Expungement of Juvenile 302/303 Civil Commitment)

Client came to Attorney Paletta seeking an Expungement of  an Involuntary Commitment that occurred when he was a juvenile.  Client explained that having this on his record was causing problems with his education and employment opportunities.

Attorney Paletta filed a Petition with the Court, and got a hearing date scheduled.  In the time leading up to the hearing, Attorney Paletta had numerous teleconferences with the Representative from the Pennsylvania State Police and the Attorney for the Commonwealth, who would both be attending the hearing.  Attorney Paletta & Client developed a strategy that included accomplishing certain tasks and having proof of those tasks or the Hearing.  Client successfully completed his tasks and provided proof at the Hearing.  
    Client’s Petition was presented on the day of the hearing  as well as proof of the tasks he completed.  All in all, everything seemed to go well and in a positive direction.  The Judge decided to take the Petition and argument under advisement and rule  on the case at a later date, which has not yet occurred.